welcome to my kawaii blog
welcome to my kawaii blog. owned by Katherine
this is my special place where i can meditate and share my emotions with
please remind yourself that this is my blog and i can put anything i want to post
troublemakers aren't welcome here
navigations my naviations maybe a bit hard to understand thats why ill explain to you the locations of each of the tabs
- this is the
welcome page, you cant get back to this anytime you feel
- this is my
blog page, click it you want to see my blog entries
- this is my
profile page, all about me and what i like
- this is my
links page, friends and sister's blogs
- this is my
tagboard page, any comments? messages?, click here
- this is just an
luv my Gans
- this is just an
empty slot
- this is just an
empty slot
- this is the
domain page, contains about how i started out in
blogging and the
credit page
welcome to my kawaii blog
welcome to my kawaii blog. owned by Katherine
this is my special place where i can meditate and share my emotions with
please remind yourself that this is my blog and i can put anything i want to post
troublemakers aren't welcome here
navigations my naviations maybe a bit hard to understand thats why ill explain to you the locations of each of the tabs
- this is the
welcome page, you cant get back to this anytime you feel
- this is my
blog page, click it you want to see my blog entries
- this is my
Diary, all about me and what i like
- this is my
links page, my affies, favorite blogs, friends and sister's blogs
- this is my
tagboard page, any comments? messages?, click here
- this is all
My Gans ♥
- this is just an
empty slot
- this is just an
empty slot
- this is the
domain page, contains about how i started out in
blogging and the
credit page
Saturday, January 8, 2011 ♥
大家对不起我太忙了和懒得POST姐姐我答应你我一个月会写两个POST,所以我来了,但是我是边写边哭。今天我的男朋友说他要回台湾了,我真的好难过。我的不知道应该这么办,我不想要他回去啊。为何我的泪水不能停子流下,他说他要回去后我就挂了他的电话,在也不敢在接了,嗨老公我好爱好爱他,你能不能不回台湾啊?不回好不好。我的爱一不能收回了,我一爱你太生了老天请你不要让他回去好吗?我只想和他一起走下去我的心只能让他一个人住,除了他谁也不要。如果没了他那我就不幸福了,我还在呼吸的理由是应为你我不能失去你啊! 啊,头好痛啊,不写了,不想了。
1:47 PM | back to top
put the history of your blog here, like why do you pick that name,when you started blogging and many more
this blog is designed and coded by
steph of
with the help of
Agnes Kan for helping me fixing the
main image
unathorized copying and ripping is punishable by law
steph | designer
agnes | reference
lovecandied | pixels
cyworld | pixels II